Postgraduate Study for Malaysian
Programmes Offered
Engineering Field
Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
Weekend Classes
Open Distance Learning (ODL)
Entry Requirements
Programme Fees
Postgraduate Study Options
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is a research-only qualification designed for students who intend to pursue an academic or research career. The degree is awarded on the basis of the submission of a thesis which should give evidence of the candidate’s ability to carry out research, evidence that the candidate has shown originality and independence, and that the candidate has made a significant contribution to knowledge in a particular field.
The Master by research is supervised by a graduate faculty (or a panel of graduate faculty members). The directed research work introduces candidates to the processes by which new knowledge is developed and applied accordingly
Student must complete a minimum of 21 credits of courses and an equivalent of 21-credit research component, and must obtain a final academic grade of at least 3.0 CGPA.
Student must complete a minimum of 40 credits, and must obtain a final academic grade of at least 3.0 out of 4.0 CGPA. Minimum 40-credit consists of several subject modules including faculty compulsory, faculty electives, a university elective module and a Master’s project.
Postgraduate Weekend Classes
Postgraduate Weekend Programme is specially designed for working professionals and open to all Malaysian.
The timetables is flexible and customs to suit student’s time yet follows the curriculum of mainstream programme.

Connection with leading experts on Online Learning
We are committed to ensuring that your online learning experience is enriching and engaging. All learning activities have clear objectives, are driven by inquiry and practical learning, and are supported through innovative technologies.