Entry Requirements


  • A Master’s Degree from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia or any other Institutions of higher learning recognised by the Senate; or
  • Other qualifications equivalent to a Master’s degree and experience in the relevant field recognised by the Senate; or
  • Candidates who a currently registered in a Master’s Degree programme at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, and approved by the Graduate Studies Committee of the respective faculty and the Senate.


  • A Bachelor’s Degree with good honours from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia or any other institution of higher learning recognised by the Senate; or
  • A qualification equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree and experience in the relevant field recognised by the Senate.

UTM Entry Requirement to Master by Coursework Program

Obtained Bachelor degree with the following grade
  • First Class
  • Second Class Upper
  • Second Class Lower
  • Excellent Pass
Working Experience
CPA Scale of 4
2.50 or higher No Working Experience Needed
CPA Scale of 5
3.13 or higher
CPA Scale of 20
12.5 and higher
62.5% or higher
1000 Marks
625 or higher

Obtained Bachelor degree with the following grade
  • Good Pass
  • Third Class
Working Experience
CPA Scale of 4
CPA below 2.50

5 years working experience

in the related field

CPA Scale of 5
CPA below 3.13
CPA Scale of 20
CPA below 12.5
CPA below 62.5%
1000 Marks
CPA below 625

Entry Requirements for Master of Business Administration (MBA)

CPA Scale of 4

 Working Experience
CPA 3.50 and above
 No Working Experience Needed
3.00 CPA < 3.49
2 years working experience in related field 
2.00 CPA < 2.99
 5 years working experience in related field

Entry Requirements for Master of Architecture

CPA Scale of 4


(Bachelor of Science in Architecture/ Degree in Architecture)

 Working Experience in Architectural Firm
3.0 – 4.0 
 6 months
2.7 – 2.99
12 months
2.5 – 2.69
24 months
2.3 – 2.49
36 months

For entry to the Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) Postgraduate Programme, candidates must MEET one of the following English Language Requirements:

Master/PhD Teaching English as a Second Language(TESL)

Overall Band/Score


 English Certificate
Malaysian University English Test (MUET)
International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

UTM Entry Requirement to Master by Mixed – Mode and Research Program

Obtained Bachelor degree with the following grade
  • First Class
  • Second Class Upper
  • Excellent Pass
Working Experience
CPA Scale of 4
2.75 or higher No Working Experience Needed
CPA Scale of 5
3.38 or higher
CPA Scale of 20
13.75 and higher
68.75% or higher
1000 Marks
687.5 or higher

Obtained Bachelor degree with the following grade
  • Second Class Lower
  • Very Good Pass
Working Experience
CPA Scale of 4
2.50 <CPA < 2.75

Subject to rigorous internal


CPA Scale of 5
3.13 <CPA < 3.43
CPA Scale of 20
12.5 <CPA < 13.75
62.5% <CPA < 68.75%
1000 Marks
625 <CPA < 687.5

Obtained Bachelor degree with the following grade
  • Good Pass
  • Third Class
Working Experience
CPA Scale of 4
CPA below 2.50

5 years working experience

in the related field

CPA Scale of 5
CPA below 3.13
CPA Scale of 20
CPA below 12.5
CPA  below 62.5%
1000 Marks
CPA below 625

ADMISSION THROUGH APEL (For Malaysian Candidates Only)

Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) is a systematic process that involves the identification, documentation and assessment of prior experiential learning to determine the extent to which an individual has achieved the desired learning outcomes, for access to a programme of study and/or award of credits.

APEL provides an opportunity for individual with working experience but lack of formal academic qualifications to pursue their studies in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). In general, knowledge obtained through formal education and working experience will be both assessed in APEL’s assessment.

At the moment, UTM accepts APEL A Level 7 MQF as an alternative entry requirement for Master’s Degree.

Entry requirements for admission into the Master’s program (Level 7, MQF) and Doctorate by Coursework, Mixed Mode and Fully Research-based (Level 8, MQF) through APEL as approved by the Ministry of Education (MOE) are as below:

a) Programme at MQF Level 8
(Doctorate by Coursework, Mixed Mode and Fully Research-based)

i. At least 35 years of age in the year of application.

ii. Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualifications (or those with higher qualifications, e.g., Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma).

iii. Possess at least 5 years of relevant work experience after completion of the Bachelor’s degree programme.

iv. Pass the APEL.A assessment for Doctorate level.

b) Programme at MQF Level 7
[Master (by Coursework, Mixed Mode and Fully Research-based), Postgraduate Diploma
and Postgraduate Certificate]

i. At least 30 years of age in the year of application.

ii. Possess at least an STPM/Diploma/equivalent qualification** (or        those with higher qualifications, e.g., Advanced Diploma, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma)

iii. Possess relevant work experience.

iv. Pass the APEL.A assessment for Master’s level.